Had my first port wine tonight, a Cockburn 10 year tawny. I have no idea what that means, but it was deeeelicious.
Finally watched last week's Daisy of Love, and I can't believe she kicked off Big Rig and kept Chi Chi! And London is coming back?! NOOOOOO. They don't specifically say London, but it's obvious. We'll see if I'm right during the next episode. Which I will be.
The Beer Garden in Astoria, Queens is AWESOME. I love day drinking.
Ooooooo crap, shouldn't have taken that last tequila shot. It always comes back to bite you.
Yay Scott just tripped over himself and is now bleeding all over the place. Mostly on me. Text my girlfriend received on 6/27 at 11:54 PM: "Get the tide to go ready I have scotts blood all over me." Texts like that are when you know you've had a good night.
New Birkenstocks really do a number on your feet, I guess until your feet get adjusted to them. My dogs are SORE.
A-1 deli in the JC. SO MUCH BACON. MMMMMMMM.
Rangers drafted Ray Bourque's kid. Hopefully the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
ESPN - Stop glorifying Manny Ramirez' minor league stint. He's there because he took steroids and cheated the game. Stop celebrating that fact, enough is enough.
2-0 USA at the half!!! I think I just peed myself a little.
Heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking. The US owned the first half, but unfortunately they don't give out first-place medals for winning the first half. We completely blew it in the second half. It's a big step for US Soccer, and we certainly took a positive step these past few games, but this sucks. I'm too depressed right now to write anything more about this game. Like Landon said afterwards, another final like this isn't guaranteed, so it's saddening to walk out second-best when you had a great chance to win.
Now I just watched this week's Daisy of Love and SURPRISE SURPRISE London is back. Didn't see that coming... oh wait, yes I did. He won't be alive long, however, because I'm fairly sure Flex is going to beat the eyeliner off of him soon.
The actor who plays the lead in Goal! The Dream Begins should never get another job in movies. Ever.
Just started using my new Wii Fit and it told me I was obese. Our relationship is off to a rocky start.
Ugh. Another week of work.
His name is Kuno Becker and he HAS gotten more work since then. On IMDB it reads that he's starred several other movies, such as "Goal II: Living the Dream", and "Goal III" (also known as "Das Finale" in Germany). Those two movies will be Netflix'd ASAP so we can finish this spectacular trilogy.
ReplyDeleteSeriously!? Those Birkenstocks better get comfortable fast we spent major bucks on them (but don't worry they were on sale). Mom said you always wanted a pair!!!! I like this idea of brain fart Monday. I had a terrible Monday: 1) I haven't slept more then 5 hours a night the past four days (but I better get used to it because I am going to college) 2) Today was my first day at work realizing I am doing the job of an adult (running a preschool day care pretty much) but I am doing it at a teenagers minimum wage, even though I am 18 and was supposed to get a pay raise 3) A 2 year old just accidently punched herself and got her bloody nose all over my WHITE shirt (that I have to wear everyday), my shorts, socks, sneakers, and my NECK!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for getting my blood all over you Steve. I hope that is the last time I have to say that.
ReplyDeleteDear Scott, I really enjoyed cleaning your blood off Steve's shirt at 2 a.m. I wish nothing but bad things upon you.
ReplyDeleteDear bloodbath,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see nothing has changed between us.
Love always,
10 Years Old Tawny is a light, medium tawny-colored wine. The aroma is clean, showing a good balance of sweetness and acidity mingled with a soft nuttiness permeating through the rich complexity of wood-aged wine. It is round and delicate on the palate, yet crisp and lively with a soft, mellow background and a good long aftertaste. The crispness and "grip" that are the hallmark of Cockburn's tawnies come from the judicious blending and the continuous refreshing of these wood-aged wines. The Cockburn's style is less sweet than most other tawnies, which gives it a firmness on the palate and helps to avoid the cloying effect of many aged wines.