1) Arlo Glass - Turned into quite the dependable computer geek, helping Chloe in her quest to find and talk-down Jack, as well as being a one-man techie beast at the end when he was literally the only one left in CTU that could do anything because Chloe had to run the show. Aside from him thinking BITCH was actually good looking, he was a cool dude.
3) Charles Logan - Absolutely loved the look on his face as he sat in Jack's cross hairs while waiting for Russian President Suvarov to come to the room so Jack could kill him, which Jack was eventually talked out of by Chloe because he would have started a war between the US and Russia. Logan was all cute and happy when he though Jack was dead at the end, but then so sad when he wasn't that he killed Pillar through a pillow and then committed suicide... only he couldn't even do that right so now he's still alive with significant brain damage. Logan is now a vegetable!
4) Chloe O'Brian - The only main Jack friend who made it through to the end of the series, for which I give her mad props. Was choked out by Jack when he didn't want her interfering with him assassinating the Russian President, but she got her revenge when she shot him as part of their plan to get the evidence of the conspiracy out to the press. Chloe always had Jack's back, and was 100% loyal until the end. I'll miss her sarcastic jokes and frumpy face in my life.
5) Cole Ortiz - A man torn between getting the truth out and being afraid that Jack was going to ruin his shit at any moment. I enjoyed Cole overall, what with his "authentic" New York accent and his superior sniping skills. He was a good help to Jack at times, and that is always appreciated.

6) Renee Walker - A moment of silence please in memory of my second favorite redhead.
Thank you.
7) Jack Bauer - What is there to say about Jack? He has given me 8 seasons worth of television bliss by breaking out one badass move after another. No man will ever be as great as Jack Bauer, hands down. While he should have killed the Russian President and started a war (because what is cooler than that), he redeemed himself ridiculously fast by ripping Pillar's ear off WITH HIS OWN MOUTH in an effort to buy Chloe time to upload the evidence file. He ended up being kidnapped at the end so he could be executed, but President Taylor intervened in time, and just like that... he was gone. I thought his final words to Chloe were appropriate, and I hope Jack finds joy in whatever life he's moving onto that hopefully avoids both the US and Russian governments, both of which want to capture him. Typical.

8) Jason Pillar - Logan's right-hand puppy dog was in a boatload of trouble when Jack kidnapped him in his own car (which involved a SICK camera reveal of Jack in the back seat), made him take him to the UN where he stitched Jack's wounds at gunpoint, was then knocked unconscious, then woke up, went upstairs and had his left ear eaten off by Jack. Thought he was in the clear at the end, but then they found out Jack was still alive, so Logan cracked him in the head with a glass jar, then shot him in the face through a pillow. Not a good day at the office!
9) Allison Taylor - Was guilty as all hell when Dalia Hassan gave her the pen from Omar for her to sign the treaty with the IRK and the Russians, and got cold quickly when Hassan threatened to pull out of the treaty when she said she would bomb the IRK to hell. Showed us that drinking the Logan Kool-Aid is never a good idea. However, she did the right thing at the end when she refused to sign the treaty, resigned as President, turned herself into the Attorney General for her crimes, and gave Jack a window of time to escape the country before he was captured. A good final move on her part, though as Daddy said during the episode, "she just cost Hillary Clinton the next 4 Presidential elections!"

10) Ethan Kanin - Didn't play any part in the finale, though I imagine he was smiling as he sat at home comfortably watching President Taylor fall apart because she had been listening to Logan and not him. President Kanin has a nice ring to it for the movie, no?
Other random thoughts from the last-ever episode of 24:
- The random CTU agent from the UN mobile command unit was a huge douche and needed to get capped by Cole. I hated when he thought he was awesome for helping Pillar out. I hope Jack makes a pit stop on his way out of the country and shoves a Revolutionary War bayonet up his ass. Don't think Jack doesn't have any Revolutionary War bayonets laying around.
- I loved that the Secretary General of the UN was Dr. Benton from ER. Random cameos are fun!

- I really wish Michael Madsen's character was Tony Almeida instead. I don't care how many times Tony has died, they should just keep bringing him back! Tony was the man, love that guy. Would have been poetic justice for it to have been him helping Jack in the closing episodes.
- Scott, your negative comments about 24 are not welcome in this post. Thank you.
- RIP Bill Buchanan. Forever.
- And finally, 1 final shot of Jack... for Jack.

The perfect sign-off for a legendary man. I'll miss you Jack.
crap that Pillar guy went through hell. Have yet to watch the show but I will remember what he went through.
ReplyDeleteI just hope that President Logan is in a peaceful state. He is one of our nation's finest leaders.
ReplyDeleteI liked the lengthy shots of Jack gazing up into the sky at the drone. I didn't like that the only thing he killed the entire finale was Pillar's ear.