Because I was taking classes this weekend, I literally have nothing to write about except for LOST, which as you know came to an end last night. I'm not going to pretend to be smart or anything and stand here and preach to you about the mythology of LOST or anything like that, but I will say that overall I enjoyed the finale and thought it a fitting end to the series, very much unlike The Sopranos. To that affect, I wanted to pass along to you what I thought was a really great review of the show that laid out nicely what was answered, what wasn't answered, and everything else in between, written by Alan Sepinwall, a TV critic I like reading.
Alan Sepinwall's LOST Finale Review
What sucks is that not only did LOST end last night, but 24 is ending tonight, which means my two favorite shows on TV are both leaving me in the span of 2 days. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO WATCH FROM NOW ON?!!??! Poop on my face.
Ugh. Another week of work.
What a sad, and shitty Lost finale and final season as a whole.