- Please die, Dana Walsh.
- Apparently CTU's cell phone service comes from AT&T, because when Jack and Cole (a new drink perhaps?) pulled up to the dock to engage the terrorists and tried to contact CTU, Cole complained about having 4 bars but the call not going through. It sounded all too familiar to those of us with AT&T...

- I enjoyed that at the beginning of the longest firefight in history, Tarin looked out with binoculars and identified Jack Bauer, at which point they all started panicking because of how awesome he is. But then Tarin said that Jack is "one of" CTU's best agents. WRONG TARIN. Idiot. He is the best. Not one of.
- It must be a prerequisite in 24 that if you work for a government agency other than CTU, you must have a MASSIVE ego, which was the case with the head of the NSA New York branch who came to help CTU get back on its feet after the EMP attack. Damn good thing that Chloe again proved how awesome she is by sticking a gun in the douche's face and shooing him away so she could get the job done, like she always does time and time again.
- I think we all knew that Nervous Nellie Owen would eat the big eat at some point this season, but who woulda thunk that it would have been doing something so heroic? I assumed he would have been the guy who broke formation behind the armored plates with Jack and Cole (mmmm, tasty drink) and f'ed everything up, not the other agent who actually did that. Instead Owen was a hero by running into the middle of a firefight to save his fallen comrade. Unfortunately he didn't make it, but he died doing the right thing. RIP son.
- I'm starting to come around to Brian Hastings, because it seems as though he's finally realized that Chloe will do everything faster and better than anyone else at CTU. He's also quit being such a pussy and is now giving the orders instead of taking them from douchebags like the NSA guy. Perhaps the spirit of Bill Buchanon is slowly infiltrating his brain, and he's now starting to think more clearly. Once again, RIP Bill. We miss and love you.
- Jack Bauer just keeps re-defining the word "hero." It's getting ridiculous with how high he's setting the bar for other men of justice to aspire to, because they never will. He is a god, plain and simple. On this occasion he decided to use himself as a decoy for machine gun fire so that Cole could make it to the landline to contact CTU. He killed a couple terrorists, of course, then took a few bullets himself. You think those bullets did any harm to him though? Pshhhhh. He's Jack Bauer. And of course Cole made it to the phone. What a hero Jack is.

- Now that she seems to be over her emotional problems, it was good to see Renee get back in the field and continue this season's badassery, this time with a few well-placed 9 millimeter rounds in terrorists faces. She just marches right up, and BANG! Terrorist dead. I think her and Cole and competing for marksman of the year this season. I love it. You go girl.
- I think the right play when you're getting strangled from behind by a choke-cord (like the parole officer was by Dana Walsh when she decided killing him was the only way out) is to play dead quickly, then when she lets go because she thinks you're dead, you flip around and kill her. Unfortunately he didn't do that, so now he's dead and Dana's alive, which then lead to her making a phone call that revealed... wait, what? SHE IS A TERRORIST?!?!??!?! WHAT THE FUCK! I knew her stupid story line would end up tying into the main story line eventually, or else the 24 writers wouldn't have bothered with it, but I had no idea it would tie in like this. Holy shit. As if I didn't hate her enough before, now I'm just going off the deep end with anger. Kudos, 24 writers. You totally got me there. Now the terrorists are piled into a cab with the nuclear rods in Manhattan. 4 Indians in a cab. Yep. Never gonna find 'em.
it's amazing how bad ctu is at performing background checks.
ReplyDeleteHow many shots does it take to kill Jack? Because this show has to end someday and he is not getting weaker at all.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the, very useful, picture of teh cast? That is desperately needed for those of us who don't watch the show. Also Jack Bauer has nothing on Col. John Casey. That man is what Jack wants to be.