Seeing as I was working roughly 15 hour days between two cities last week, I was more than content to sit at home Friday night and pop in a good flick. Luckily, I was saved the effort of actually getting off the couch to find a movie and put it in the DVD player, as Training Day was beginning on one of the 500 movie channels we have with DirecTV. Now, there's Denzel Washington, and then there's badass Denzel Washington. There is almost nothing in this world that is more awesome than badass Denzel Washington, and he is at his most badassyness in Training Day. Love that movie. Can't get enough of it. Denzel is the man.
(Now enjoying LoveGame... oh so good.) If you are the tallish, dark-skinned, dark-haired Jersey Shore-looking waitress (not sure if that narrows it down, actually) from the Union Plaza Diner in Union, NJ who happened to serve a table of 4 incredibly good-looking men on Saturday at around 12:30 and also happens to be reading this here blog, I would like you to know that I am not actually a complete idiot. I know that omelettes are made of eggs, and that I don't have to order a "bacon, egg and cheese" omelette. Stop laughing at me. Also, the dashing Jewish boy sitting across from me is single and ready to go. Hit 'em up on Facebook.
I finally was able to watch the Yankees World Series DVD, though it wasn't mine since Sports Illustrated likes to take its sweet time processing your order that you give through some douche who can't speak any English and may or may not have submitted the order correctly. Anyway, it was excellent, as those championship DVDs with your team in them usually are, but this one was different in that it explored the story behind the loser team a little bit as well. It wasn't terrible, but Company That Makes the Championship DVDs, don't waste your time on losers, especially those from Filthadelphia... let's keep our focus on the winners. (Let me just throw on Bad Romance here one sec...)
My weekend in sports: The Rangers had back-to-back games this weekend against the Coyotes and the Avalanche. They continued their pathetic ways against the Coyotes for the first two periods before finally remembering how to play hockey in the third period, though that was too late as they lost for the 5th time in a row. They broke their winning streak, however, against Colorado yesterday. It was very refreshing to see a win, for once. They suck. More on them later. The Kansas St. - Kansas college basketball game on Friday was epic. Since I went to Ithaca, aka the Greatest College In All The Land, I was never made aware of how incredible a big time college basketball game could be in person. This game gave me that feeling, even on TV. One of the best crowds I had ever seen, was the group at K State. Unreal. They deserved the win. Roger Federer - Andy Murray in the Aussie Open final was predictably one-sided, as Federer cruised to his 16th Grand Slam title. Kudos to ESPN's Chris Fowler as well for calling out Murray when he started stretching out a leg "injury" of some sort when it was obvious that Federer was going to destroy him. Pussy Brits! Watch-out for the US in the World Cup! Eli Manning, who as you all know is infinitely cute, is clearly getting better and better as an actor, as evidenced by his star turn in the new Oreo DSRL commercial I saw over the weekend. Him and Peyton beat the 2 Donald's, afterwards screaming "Taste it Trump!" It was a line delivered with the flair of O'Toole, the determination of Brando, the heartiness of Bogart, and the spirit of Pacino. Eli is truly an oscar winner-in-waiting.
My thoughts on the Grammy Awards last night, which I mostly ignored while watching the Rangers: As the title of my column says, Lady Gaga is awesome. I've NEVER been into this poppy shit music before, but for some reason I can't get enough of her, perhaps because she's so weird. She's just fascinating. And I'm totally straight... I think? ... The Black Eyed Peas are garbage. They used to be good, in the pre-Fergie days, but now they suck. Awful live. Worse on a CD. Just plain ol' shit. ... Taylor Swift may be a looker, and she may be talented, but weeeee-dawgy does her voice suffer when live. Watch some of those notes, sister! ... Pink looks like a dirty transvestite ... This absurd Michael Jackson tribute in 3D is making my eyes hurt. Not all of us have the glasses CBS! And just what I need, Smokey Robinson's reconstructed and botoxed face coming at me in 3D. It's like being approached by Swamp Thing in a tuxedo. This segment is just as creepy as Michael himself. I wonder if all the little boys he touched would be giving him a standing ovation too? ... This Lil' Wayne, Eminem, Rapper TBD performance would be fine except all the cursing is making CBS cut the audio for large chunks at a time. I might as well just have hit the mute button on the remote - it'd be the same thing.
Oh yeah, one more thing: Lady Gaga is great. (Enjoying a little Paparazzi at the moment.)
Ugh. Another week of work.
I got a shout out! Kind of. As one of your four readers.
ReplyDeleteAs the fifth reader now, I think it is only fair to point out that the biggest injustice of the Grammy's was that you could hardly hear the legend that is Slash playing over the rest of the music.... shitty sound techs. And while I am speaking of my idol, he is best known for using a Les Paul not Jeff Beck who almost always plays a freakin Fender. What the hell?
ReplyDeleteI am waiting for my name to actually be printed in this blog one day but I still enjoyed this weeks shout out. Anyway, I am currently enjoying going to The Greatest College in All the Land and have finally enjoyed Shortstop and it is a favorite. But I am kind of disappointed you like Lady Gaga, I find it shocking actually that you enjoy her so much. I can't look at her too long and she lost my interest when she pretended to hang herself and bleed at a previous award show.
ReplyDeleteI think i am going to go make myself a bacon egg and cheese omelette right now. that sounds delicious!
ReplyDeleteyou're not nearly gay enough for me sweetie.
ReplyDelete6th reader
ReplyDeleteTreasure your time there!
I'll read your blog. A working mom needs entertainment. Agree with Alicia on the Lady Gaga bit. David Bowie & Madonna's love child. Catchy music, very entertaining, but the hanging herself part recently was a bit much. Miss Swift needs a piece of humble pie desperately. You don't overshadow Christine McVie, and if you dare try, please do it in tune. Pink is awesome and Lady Gaga might be the tranny.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog. Some great pics up.