The last 2 weeks were restaurant week in both NYC and Hudson County (where the beautiful JC is located), so there will be a number of restaurant reviews from Gallen de Robuchon and Louey Colicchio coming your way shortly (sorry Rich). I will, however, provide a brief overview of Edward's Steakhouse in the JC here since I was able to go for lunch. First off, they made me mighty proud to be a citizen of the JC by allowing me to do the dinner menu at lunch, so I nabbed the crab cakes (excellent), Caesar Salad (pretty standard), Delmonico Steak (top quality and delicious - perfect), and the Cheesecake (outstanding). Overall it was a great meal. Ambience was awesome - real, authentic Jersey. Waiter was great save for him not telling us his name. Is this becoming a trend? If so I hate it. Overall Restaurant Grade: A
Jurassic Park 3 is one of the most horrific movies on the planet, yet I watch it every time I come across it on TV because A) it has Jurassic Park in the title, and B) it has dinosaurs in it. But I could have taken a hot diarrhea on a film strip and it would have looked better on screen then this piece of shit. A black mark on the Jurassic Park name, for sure.
Snow day at work last week, and I was standing at our living room window, watching a bobcat plowing out the entryway to an apartment building... and dumping the snow on a shoveled-out parking spot on the road. No wonder why parking sucks taint during the winter. Thank you, asshole in the bobcat.
You just gotta watch Groundhog Day on Groundhog Day.
Glad Tre went home instead of Mike this week on Top Chef, seeing as with every episode that passes I like Mike Isabella more and more. Bullshit on Antonia winning instead of Fabio though. She is a bitch, and she made a pot of fucking mussels. I don't care what Tom (Sorry God) and Bourdain have to say in their blogs about her understanding the challenge. She cooked a pot of mussels. Fabio, you won in my book. Also, the Quickfire challenge this past week was the worst I have ever seen in my life. Since when has food ever been solely about presentation and not about flavor whatsoever? And boy, that Isaac Mizrahi is one angry gay dude.
Speaking of this past episode of Top Chef, my new ultimate goal in life is to eat at Rao's in NYC now. Supposedly the greatest Italian you can get anywhere, but the absolute toughest reservation to get in the world. Only 10 tables in the place, and everyone who used to go all the time in the 20s has a standing reservation for every night, a reservation you can pass down in the family. So basically I need to seek these people out, befriend them, and get an invite. And trust me... I will. TO ANY AND ALL PEOPLE WHO HAVE A STANDING RESERVATION AT RAO'S - I AM A REALLY NICE PERSON. I AM ITALIAN. AND I AM HUNGRY. WANT TO BE FRIENDS!??!?
This girl is going to be soooooo hot when she grows up. I can't wait for roughly 19 years from now when she's legal.
Need to learn Photoshop? Here you go!
Really sad to see that Andy Pettitte is retiring. He was, hands down, one of my favorite ballplayers to watch. There really was nothing like watching him fight through 6 innings in a playoff game when he clearly didn't have his best stuff and still only give up 2 runs. He was an absolute warrior on the mound, and he will be sorely missed in the Yankee rotation. Who's excited for Freddy Garcia and Bartolo Colon!?! Buster Olney's article on Andy was great (sorry if you don't have Insider).
Saw this in the supermarket the other day:
You learn something new everyday, I always say, and this was especially true during last week's episode of Jersey Shore when Snooki taught us all that the ocean water is salty because of whale sperm. Duh! That makes total sense! Why else would the water be salty then because all the whales are shooting their loads all over the place in fits of passion!
Speaking of Jersey Shore, this article is hilars. I wonder what it's like to live in a herpes nest?
Our boy Dan Mills is all growned-up and a big Broadway star now! Still haven't heard his music? Get yo ass in gear.
The referee in the Puppy Bowl is such a disgrace. His hair is literally all over the place, and it is year after year. Seriously dude, this is the pinnacle of Puppy refereeing. Have some respect for yourself and take a shower at least. Also, do you think Michael Vick is allowed to watch the Puppy Bowl as a part of his parole? And if so, do you think he gets a raging bonor when the puppies start fighting? "Mikey, Jr! I'll bet you 5 bucks the pug wins! Also, could you hand me that pillow? My crotch is getting cold."
Few things about the Super Bowl:
- That halftime show was one of the worst things I have ever seen in my life. The Black Eyes Peas suck, though I was kinda hoping Fergie's huge dick would fall out at some point in the show.
- Suck it, Brett Favre! As if it wasn't enough that his last year in the NFL (hopefully) was so shitty that he became a pathetic, worthless failure, now the team that he left because he was a jackass won the Super Bowl without him! And with a QB who is better than him to boot, even though he refused to help him learn the ropes when he was there! SUCK IT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!
- And finally... once again, I can tell the future with my beer purchase. Let's go over the history: 2 years ago, I bought Iron City, and Pittsburgh won. 1-0. Last year, I bought Abita, and New Orleans won. 2-0. This year? I bought a plethora of beers brewed in Wisconsin, and who won? The Green Bay Packers. 3-0. I am a soothsayer. I say sooths. The streak lives on!
Thoughts on the Cameron Diaz-A Rod popcorn feeding frenzy?
ReplyDeleteAlso - I am convinced I have a connection to Rao. We must make this happen.
Just in case you were wondering Isaac Mizrahi is angry because he repeatedly goes out of business. I didn't think you were losing sleep over not knowing why he is angry but I wanted to share my information. Also that photoshop video is genius, it took my teacher a whole semester to try and teach us that.