I hate SportsCenter's Top 10 plays during basketball season. That's all it is is lame dunk after lame dunk. Number 4 is always some absurd goal in hockey, or a ridiculous overhead kick goal in soccer, then number 1 is LeBron James dunking on someone. OOooooooo, I've never seen that before! Thanks SportsCenter for making 7 of the top 10 plays dunks that everyone on the planet has already seen 100 times!
Quantum of Solace is confusing. Cool movie. Too much concentration involved. That James Bond sure is one sexy man though.
Hoboken - FIX YOUR SHIT. I want to play soccer.
So Ted is apparently going to start dating Zoey on How I Met Your Mother. Not sure how I feel about that. Clearly she's not the mom, and I feel like the show is starting to drag a bit because they're putting off him meeting the mother. I think it's gotta happen soon. But I like Zoey I think, so hopefully the show goes back to being as funny as when Ted and Robin were dating, when we also knew that Robin wasn't the mother.
Mark Sanchez is a cradle robber! I bet he subscirbes to Seventeen and Cosmo Girl so he has a sufficient amount of beat-off material.
These guys are true musicians.
Speaking of Lady Gaga, her new single, "Born This Way" is out. It's catchy I guess. Not totally digging it, though it may grow on me. It's no "Paparazzi" or "So Happy I Could Die," that's for DAMN sure.
Couple of thoughts on this past week's Top Chef:
- Blaise, you gotta stop helpin' bitches, especially Antonia! She sucks, but she was in the top 3 because you helped her. You sir, were not in the top 3. Keep your shit to yourself and OWN THESE MOTHA FUCKAS.
- My good friend Louey Colicchio (who has a couple restaurant reviews on the way, right Louey?) called Dale oversalting his cheese steak from a mile away. Well done sir. After last week when his food was called bland, you knew he was going to overdo it, and overdo it he did.
- Carla is insane, yet endearing somehow.
- Farewell Fabio. I love you. It should have been Tiffany going, not you. Absolutely soul-crushing that you won't be in my life anymore brother.
Landry Fields needs to work on his selling skills. Or just having people realize who he actually is.
Ronnie from Jersey Shore (do we even need to say "from Jersey Shore" anymore? I feel like we're on a first name basis with these people now) has major issues. Thank you Captain Obvious! I'm not surprised at anything he did during him and Sammy's epic fight last week. The only thing I'm surprised about is that he didn't kill her and throw her over the balcony. Showed surprising restraint, I thought.
It was absolutely delightful actually scoring goals and beating the Penguins on Sunday, even if they didn't have those 2 pussies Sid The Bitch and Malkin in their lineup. I hope Crosby's concussion is a career-ender. As for the Rangers, this doesn't cure our goal-scoring ills, but it's a start, though losing Chris Drury for another 6 weeks doesn't matter in the goal-scoring department regardless. Will hurt our faceoff's though.
How ironic was it that the dead people montage at the Grammys was followed up by a performance by Mick Jagger, someone who looks like he's been dead for 10 years?
And finally, the reason why today (well, yesterday actually) is a phenomenal day - I have 3 words for you: Pitchers and Catchers! SWEET JESUS BASEBALL IS COMING BACK! Then, to put the icing on the cake of this day of springtime hope was getting invited to my first fantasy baseball league of the season! I LOVE FANTASY BASEBALL! AND BASEBALL! PITCHERS AND CATCHERS!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! LDSKUHGOwiehugeownl;ksdnvouihv[weiNV[Oiewnvowienbv~!!!!!!!!!!
Don't you think they would at least paid a customer to buy a Knicks jersey? Out of the entire day, not one person bought one, which is pretty sad. Also I was actually scared of Ronnie this past Jersey Shore, he will be arrested in no time.