Sidney Crosby is such a cry-baby bitch on 24/7. Actually, come to think of it, he's a bitch everyday of his life, not just on that show. I fucking hate him. He's a dirty player and will 2-hand slash you in the back of the knee when you're not looking, but when you so much as curse at him, he starts crying to the refs. You deserve your concussion Sid. Oh and by the way, 24/7 was some of the most incredible TV I've ever seen. Better than Hard Knocks, hands down.
Watched the lesbian scene from Black Swan the other day. That is some of the most disturbing carpet munching you'll ever see. I can't imagine how fucked up the rest of the movie is. Heard it was good though.
SportsCenter's commercials are some of the best on TV. Always hilarious. New one featuring Alexander Ovechkin, who unlike Crosby actually earns his respect, makes me laugh every time.
Got Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for my PS3 for Christmas, about a year too late because Black Ops is already out. No matter, that shit is impossibly good. Killing terrorists never gets old!
I wear the same glasses as Ohio St. coach Jim Tressel. That is neat. Should I start rocking sweater vests?
Good job Ohio St.! You won the Sugar Bowl with 5 guys who should have been suspended! Really, well done. Great accomplishment. I hope you look back on it with fond memories when the win is expunged from the record books in 5 years! That's right. I just used expunged in a sentence. Suck it.
Casey?!? You got eliminated from Top Chef? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! All J-O material from the show is gone now, frown face, not to mention any and all of the sexual frivolity that the Chef of the Century could possibly handle. It's a good thing Fabio and Tiffany D. are still around, otherwise I'd have to seriously reconsider my viewership of that show.
I was in the building for the Norwegian Hobbit Wizard's first career goal, an overtime winner in a 2-1 victory over the Carolina Hurricanes on Wednesday. What a great goal. It felt like I attended the birth of Jesus Christ himself. The Hobbit Wizard makes me sweat.
I LOVE Chinese food. I just love the taste of cat, what can I say? Anyway, I always order General Tsao's Chicken and an egg roll. But never this kind of egg roll:
Can You Digg It??? volleyball enlisted the talents of yours truly for a match the other night, which personally I can't blame them for since I throw down so fucking hard. However, my extreme heat on the court does not come without consequence, so to the girl who now has "Spalding" tattooed on her cheek because I crushed her in the face with a spike... I sorry. But seriously, you gots to get out the way. Didn't you notice how nasty I bring it?
YOU'RE KIDDING ME?!?!??!?! REALLY??!?!? No one saw this coming.
Sweet Jesus Jersey Shore is back!!! But seriously, can Ronnie and Sam please be kicked off the show? They fucking suck at life. WHAT MAKES SENSE ABOUT PICKING THE TRIPLE BEDROOM YOU IDIOTS? Poor Situation. And already Sammy and Jenny were throwing down. I LOVE IT!
Went to the Professional Bull Riding tournament at Madison Square Garden on Friday. I can basically sum up the event in one word: America. Though it was disappointing to hear so much about Mutton Bustin' last year when I couldn't go and not see any this time around. What's Mutton Bustin' you ask?
Playoffs. Saints - Seadogs. Game is on the line with 2 important plays. Sean Payton has Drew Brees as his quarterback. Drew. Fucking. Brees. Father of Baylen (that's for you Megan). Arguably the best QB in the league. So who does Sean Payton give the ball to on these 2 plays? Deshawn Wynn and Julius Jones. What? Nice. No wonder you lost to a pathetic 7-9 team in the playoffs, Sean.

Speaking of the Seahawks, Marshawn Lynch went all Beast Mode on the Saints at the end there. I swear, if I ever had grills, I would totally have them say Beast Mode - wait? What's that you say? Marshawn already has that???

And the ugliest man in football continues to deliver the comedy.
So I read that the Tiger Woods '12 video game will feature Augusta National, home of the Masters, for the first time in a video game ever. So does that mean that you can't pick a biddie golfer when you choose that course? Oh hey! I want to play at Augusta in fake life. What? I can't pick no chicks! Oh crap. Biddies might be reading this blog. No talking about biddies in front of other biddies (Rule #2). Moving on.
And finally, THANK GOD the Eagles are not going to win the Super Bowl again. I don't think I could live with myself if that team of scumbag players with scumbag fans ever won the whole thing. I thought the Eagles were going to win on that last drive, but thankfully Tramon Williams was sent down from the Lord above to intercept The Dog Killer and give Green Bay the win. Suck it Filthadelphia!
A Bitter Giants Fan
So, Sidney Crosby is not just a bitch on the show 24/7, he is a bitch 24/7. Ye olde revolution shoppe is at hand! Now you're typing like a winner!
ReplyDeleteNo word on the Jets victory? Poor form, Steve-o, poor form.
ReplyDeleteOnly 16 years and 4 days until my fantasies are no longer a felony.
ReplyDeleteI am kind of speechless after watching Mutton Bustin
ReplyDeletei'm with holly on this one... that is a shame, we dont get many things to be excited about, so give us some props for the few times we do.