
I heart New Jersey

Welcome to my blog. I'm from New Jersey, and it is awesome. Those of you who say it is "dirty" because you've only seen the Turnpike between exits 12 and 16 are not smart. 95% of it is awesome, which is a lot more than you can say for most states. That is a fact. I didn't make up that number.

As for what this blog is going to be about, I'll say that anything goes. I'm just going to let you know what I'm thinking, though I will warn you now that mostly what I think about is sports.

I'm also going to do a periodic segment entitled, "Why New Jersey is Awesome." In that entry, I will give you a reason as to why New Jersey is awesome, plain and simple. These entries will be posted frequently, and I will never run out of reasons. Why will I never run out? Because New Jersey is awesome, that's why.

So that'll be what's goin' down in this hood. Feel free to comment, especially if you think I'm an idiot, which most people do.

And now onto my first rant!


He is by far the most annoying figure in sports today, which is saying a lot considering Jose Canseco is still alive. Every year he retires, then every year he drags us through the mud of his inner-struggle to find out if he still has what it takes to compete at the highest level. Hey Brett, I know the answer: YOU DON'T. I am a Giants fan, but one of my roommates, Rory, is a Jets fan (yeah I know, but he had no choice. Blame his dad). I saw firsthand how Brett Favre ruined the Jets season last year because he makes awful decisions and no longer has his once-ballyhooed arm strength. Feel free to commend me on my use of the word ballyhooed. The Jets may have been better off with Brett-freakin'-Ratliff as their QB last year, or as Cordes and I lovingly referred to him as, "QB of the future Brett Ratliff." He may still be the QB of the future, only now in Cleveland due to the MangIDIOT needing him because Derek Anderson and Brady Quinn are scrubs. Yeah, you heard me Brady. You endorse a "workout enhancer" that Matt Hasselbeck endorses. That means the only thing it's been proven to do is make you go bald in your twenties.

Anyway, back to Bert Favoree. The Vikings are better off without you. They have Sage Rosenfels now to make your dumb decisions and blow 14-point leads to the Colts within the span of 2 minutes. Or they have Tarvaris Jackson, who may or may not be the next coming of Quincy Carter. Either way, you should be thrown into a retirement home down in Mississippi so ESPN and Peter King can stop telling us about every time you agonize over whether or not to take a crap in a public toilet. Just put a couple layers of paper down on the seat and get it over with, please.


  1. You found a way to mention 2 out of 3 of your roommates in your first entry. I see how it is... and I won't be happy with a mere pity mention in the future.

  2. I wonder who Anonymous is

  3. I wonder who Scott is

  4. Go Phillies. Go Brett Pharve.

  5. Ok I read your blogs out of order ( the Pennsylvania one is still my favorite) but I found this funny even though i know nothing really about football except for to always and forever love the Giants. I do commend you on your use of "ballyhooed" i have never heard of it and I am going to try and use it in my everyday vocabulary now. Thanks i learned something today.

  6. i love nj but we moved to pa and i love living in pa but still working in nj. our entire neighborhood is comprised of former nj and ny home owners... we might as well be an extension of nj.
